The great garden of very early apples of innovative variety is set out in Ukraine

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TM Uapple expands its apple garden. It was given on the Facebook page of the company’s owner Vadym Iermolaiev, as SEEDS writes.

Vadym Iermolaiev specified that the garden is set out now. They started to install the pillars fixing the best possible distance between the trees-to-be currently.

“We will plant another 20 ha with apple trees over the next few weeks. This is going to be apples of the variety Gala RKD. This is an innovative variety yielding fruits three weeks sooner than ordinary Gala. We delivered 83 thousand young plants from France already. We want to be one of the first to grow this new product in Ukraine”, he specified.

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“As a matter of fact, we will set out young plants in April. We will gather the first harvest from these trees as early as this year. However, we expect to gather the first major harvest (this is 50-60 t/ha according to our standards) only in five years”, the company’s owner said.

Moreover, he added that they plan to expand the pear garden for 10 ha, as open4business writes.

UApple is one of the biggest Ukrainian companies growing apples. The company grows apples of the following varieties: Gala Schniga, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pinova, Fuji, and Red Delicious, and keeps and sells them. It has an international certificate Global G.A.P. It supplies products to the local supermarket chain and exports products to the countries of the European Union, Asia, and the Middle East.



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