“Organic agriculture is getting even more advanced”

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Since January, the company Fort&Vert offers the Demeter certified carrot. It is the first to market this carrot grown in the Hauts-de-France region. The Demeter certified fruits and vegetables must follow the EU biological label specifications, as well as biodynamic specifications attached to the brand itself. According to Pauline Camus of the company Fort&Vert, this particular certification is more and more solicited.

“We see that organic agriculture is getting even more advanced. This evolution goes hand in hand with the increasing level of demands from the consumers, who pay close attention to the products they consume and to the well-being of the planet,” explains Pauline. “The Demeter certification allows us to meet these new expectations in terms of quality.”

The carrots are sold exclusively in the stores specialized in organic products. According to Pauline, organic consumers are familiar with the Demeter certification. “The product is especially popular among the consumers who already buy organic food and who want to take one step further in their effort to respect the environment. This carrot will be sold until the end of March.”

About Fort&Vert
Created in 1997, Fort&Vert is the first private operator of the Hauts-de-France to market 100% organic products. Certified organic for more than 21 years, the company defends biological values while respecting the seasons. It markets over 10,000 tons of organic fruits and vegetables each year.


SEEDS  by materials FreshPlaza

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