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Experts Club hosted a training aimed at psychological rehabilitation of people affected by the consequences of war. This training was part of a larger project organized by the Experts Club in cooperation with the NGO Club of Experts and the ADONIS network of centers. The initiative aims to support and restore the mental health of people who are under stress or have been victims of psychologically traumatic events, SEEDS writes.

According to Maksym Urakin, founder of the Experts Club, the rehabilitation course will consist of 8 trainings in three stages. The first stage focuses on the diagnosis of stress and post-traumatic conditions using internationally recognized methods, such as the Impact of Traumatic Events Scale (IES-R), the Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ) and others. The next step is art therapy, where participants have the opportunity to work with qualified psychologists, and the final stage is to evaluate the results and develop further recommendations.

“Our goal is to show that recovery is possible, and every affected person can find support and a path to recovery,” – emphasized Maksym Urakin.

Inna Prysyazhna, training leader and psychologist-consultant of the ADONIS medical centers network, emphasized that art therapy uses primarily creative methods, such as painting, sculpture, composing poetry, fairy tales, etc.

“All this is used to express inner feelings and fears. This not only improves mood, but also helps participants find inner harmony and self-confidence. Art therapy does not just treat, but provides tools for self-help and self-realization. It promotes the development of skills that allow you to better cope with everyday challenges,” the psychologist notes.

The project is funded by the Experts Club project’s own funds. In addition, the initiative actively interacts with the media and social networks to raise public awareness of PTSD and the importance of psychological rehabilitation.

Experts Club” is an analytical center with its own video studio and educational center. The art therapy project is implemented in partnership with the Institute of Psychology.



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