Egypt could take Spain’s place as world’s main orange exporter

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Spain’s dominant position in the European and global citrus market is threatened by the competition from Egyptian oranges, which are increasingly present all over the planet and have already seen their sales in Europe grow by 17%. This has been highlighted in a report by Radio France Internationale (RFI), which reveals that the production of this citrus fruit has been gaining ground in Egypt thanks to the access to irrigation, the low cost of labor and the depreciation of the Egyptian pound. This year, the country of the Nile could even export 1.65 million tons of oranges and take Spain’s place as the global leader in exports.

RFI explains that the orange harvest in Egypt is going from strength to strength and the production is expected to be greater than last year’s. It is worth recalling that Egypt is already one of the world’s largest producer of oranges, only behind Brazil, India, China, Mexico, the US and Spain, and that fruit is increasingly present in the world, to the point that their supply in Russia has already surpassed that of European oranges.

The report says that Egypt has 162,000 hectares of irrigated land, with the acreage growing every year, and that the fruit is offered for unbeatable prices thanks to the low cost of labor and the depreciation of the Egyptian pound. It also stresses the significance of the fruit gaining ground in the European market, because European and, above all, Spanish oranges have an overwhelming weight in the global market, representing two-thirds of the world’s total exports.


SEEDS  by materials FreshPlaza

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